DoA-List of players for missions.
Hello everyone.At first,I give you excuse to my bad english.Im a spanish player,and how you know spanish distrit is empty in this zone.I see a post to create player list with 4 missions finish,but a lot of players,as me,have finished 1,2 or 3 missions in DoA.
I´d like if is possible to meet players interested in finish this missions if they are in my same case.Thanks and excuse my faults to write.
My characters in game are...:
Eagles Red E -> E/any Finish Stygian Veil.
Eagles Red M -> M/any Finish Torkcua and Foundry
Eagles Red W -> W/any Finish Stygian Veil
Eagles Rojo Gr/El -> R/any Finish Torkcua and Stygian Veil
Eagles Rojo N -> Finish Gloom